20 Nov, 2022

tutorial on how to draft a basic bodice block from Helen Joseph Armstrong’s book

Creating a basic bodice pattern is an essential skill for any sewist. Whether you are making clothing for yourself or others, having the ability to draft and cut a simple bodice block will give you the foundation to create beautiful garments.


In this tutorial, we’ll be discussing Helen Joseph Armstrong’s bespoke method of drafting and cutting a basic bodice pattern from scratch. This technique can be used in both ready-to-wear fashion as well as custom dressmaking projects. We’ll cover everything from how to draw your own sloper (or template) all the way through constructing your finished garment!


First things first – let’s talk about what exactly is meant by “basic bodice” when it comes to pattern making and sewing? A basic bodice typically refers to an article of clothing with two pieces that make up its front: one piece being sewn at center back (CB), while another piece is sewn along side seams on either side of CB seamline . The neckline may also have some type of facing or collar attached depending on design preference; however, these components are not necessary when creating just a plain “bodice” without any additional detailing such as pleats or darts etc..


 Once you understand what makes up this type of garment construction then it becomes easier understanding how best approach drafting/cutting out our patterns! To begin with we need measure ourselves accurately so that our sloper fits perfectly once made – otherwise there could be issues later down line if fabric has been cut incorrectly due incorrect measurements taken initially.. After taking measurements, next step involves drawing out onto paper using ruler & pencils following instructions given by Helen Joseph Armstrong which can found online here:

 As mentioned earlier there various techniques available when it comes constructing final product after having drafted desired shape beforehand but generally speaking most methods involve pinning together fabrics before stitching them securely place using either machine sewing hand basting techniques depending upon level expertise comfortability working particular materials involved project itself… Finally pressing seams flat ensure neat finish end result!.

Here is a tutorial on how to draft a basic bodice block from Helen Joseph Armstrong's book
"Patternmaking for Fashion Design":

  1. Begin by drawing a horizontal line for the center front of the bodice.
  2. Draw a vertical line down from the center front to the level of the fullest part of the bust. This point is called the apex.
  3. Measure down from the apex to the waistline and mark this point. This is the bust point.
  4. From the bust point, measure down to the hemline and mark this point. This is the hipline.
  5. Draw a horizontal line at the waistline.
  6. From the bust point, measure out to the side seam and mark this point. This is the armhole.
  7. From the armhole, measure down to the hipline and mark this point. This is the side seam.
  8. From the center front, measure out to the side seam and mark this point. This is the shoulder point.
  9. From the shoulder point, measure down to the armhole and mark this point. This is the shoulder seam.
  10. From the center front, measure out to the shoulder point and mark this point. This is the neckline.
  11. From the neckline, measure down to the shoulder point and mark this point. This is the back neckline.
  12. Connect the dots to create the basic bodice block.

Color theory is an essential aspect of graphic design that every designer should understand. It provides a framework for understanding how colors interact with each other and how they can be used to create effective designs. In this article, we will provide a beginner’s guide to color theory and how it applies to graphic design.

First, let’s define what color theory is. Color theory is the study of how colors are perceived and how they interact with each other. It includes the use of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, as well as the use of color schemes such as complementary, analogous, and monochromatic.

The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. These colors cannot be created by mixing other colors together. Secondary colors are created by mixing primary colors together, and they include orange, purple, and green. Tertiary colors are created by mixing primary and secondary colors together and include yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, and yellow-green.

One of the most important concepts in color theory is the use of color schemes. A color scheme is a combination of colors that are used together in a design. There are several different types of color schemes, including complementary, analogous, and monochromatic.

Complementary color schemes use colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, such as blue and orange. These color schemes create a strong contrast and are often used to create a sense of movement or energy in a design.

Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, such as blue, blue-green, and green. These color schemes create a sense of harmony and are often used to create a calming or soothing effect in a design.

Monochromatic color schemes use different shades and tints of one color, such as different shades of blue. These color schemes create a sense of unity and are often used to create a cohesive look and feel in a design.

Now that you have a basic understanding of color theory, you can start applying it to your designs. Remember to consider the overall mood and message you want to convey with your design, and choose colors that will help you achieve that. Also, don’t be afraid to experiment and play around with different color schemes to see what works best for your design.

In conclusion, color theory is a fundamental aspect of graphic design that every designer should understand. It provides a framework for understanding how colors interact with each other and how they can be used to create effective designs. By understanding the concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, as well as color schemes such as complementary, analogous, and monochromatic, you can start creating designs that are visually appealing, harmonious and convey the desired message.

7 Jun, 2022

7 Steps to Starting Your Own Fashion Brand

If you want to start your own clothing line, there are many things to consider before taking the plunge. Not only do you need to develop a solid business plan, but you also need to find appropriate fabrics and materials and hire qualified stylists and seamstresses. Fortunately, there are resources that can guide you through the process of creating your own fashion brand. Here are 7 steps to help make the process easier.

Step 1: Create your brand vision

Fashion design can be a daunting career path, but fashion industry jobs aren’t as scarce as you may think. First, create your brand vision—and make sure it’s something that is feasible for your personal or team skill set. Step 2: Create a product-line plan: Now that you know where you want to go, figure out how much and what types of inventory will support your retail plan.

Step 2: Know your customer​

As you start thinking about creating your fashion apparel designs, it’s important to start by defining who you are designing for. If you don’t know what style or type of clothing your customer wants and is looking for, how will you design a product they will want to buy? The first step in making your fashion design business a success is having a firm understanding of who will be buying your clothing.

Step 3: Know your brand identity

One of your first steps in starting a fashion brand is to nail down your brand identity. Who are you designing for? What do you want them to feel when they wear your clothes? These things should be consistent throughout all of your materials: You’ll have a hard time selling something as unique if there’s nothing about it that makes it stand out from its competition.

Step 4: Selecting a manufacturer

Choosing a manufacturer is almost as important as designing your collection. Make sure that your manufacturer has experience working with your fabric, and keep an eye out for quality control issues. Order multiple samples of your fabric from various manufacturers so you can match colors more accurately. Tech packs for pajamas, tech packs for lingerie, tech packs for dresses – create tech packs yourself and save some money!

Step 5: Choosing an e-commerce platform

Once you have a name, your next step is picking an e-commerce platform. Depending on your preferences and budget, there are numerous providers out there—here are a few popular options: Shopify, BigCommerce, 3dcart, Volusion. To find out which fits your needs best , ask yourself these questions: What type of interface do I want? Do I want a shopping cart or wish list (or both)? Will it be easy for customers to buy my products?

Step 6: Decide on a sales model

It’s vital that you find a profitable sales model before moving forward with your designs. There are three main models: Retail, wholesale and e-commerce. In retail you sell directly to consumers while in wholesale you sell through distributors or retailers. Finally, if you decide on an e-commerce approach then you will have your own online store where people can purchase your designs.

Step 7: Set your marketing strategy

Create tech packs for your designs. Tech packs contain all your original printed drawings and are used by factories for manufacturing purposes. These files must be created in CAD software, usually AutoCAD, Inventor or other (but you can use any type). Because they are technical in nature, you may need to follow tutorials before creating one yourself. You can also hire a specialist or a qualified freelancer to do it at a reasonable cost.
For that we have selected a few who can meet your needs.